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Sam James: Berichtenmuur

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I’d like to state, for the record, that this isn’t the case. Three weeks ago I underwent surgery and I was unable to leave the house for the first two weeks. Bachelor Number Ten came to look after me over the weekend, and was the most attentive, helpful, caring and giving person who I have ever allowed to look after me (I’m fiercely independent and don’t let people look after me often. It’s quite an exclusive club – even my ex-husband never really had the privilege). Upon returning to work it’s safe to say that my description of Bachelor Number Ten looking after me was “gushing”.

Dude this shit is crazy!!! You should talk about this on your blog. I had a friend that was Mode four and also emailed you on your blog about this shit. I keep telling these guys to stop being insecure and just man up! But they don't and its frustrating!!!! But I know of no one that would go this far!! Luckily. Assanova I know you are busy but this is something I think would be interesting to see on the blog.